Grocers & Restaurants
Businesses! DO NOT ORDER ONLINE if you want to receive retailer prices. Please call us at 800-279-1614 to place your order.
PLEASONING® Gourmet Seasonings offers all of their products to businesses such as: Grocery Stores, Deli’s, Restaurants, Chefs, Caterers, Institutional Cooks, Butchers, Gift Shops, Clinics and More!
PLEASONING® Gourmet Seasonings is your solution to a healthier way to season foods without sacrificing flavor! If you use All-Purpose PLEASONING® in the same proportion as you have been using salt and pepper, you will be decreasing your sodium intake from 590mg to 110 mg in every 1/4 teaspoon you use.
PLEASONING® blends have little or no sodium, little or no MSG, no carbohydrates, no calories and no Potassium Chloride (salt substitute). WHY? Because PLEASONING® Seasonings are BLENDS of herbs and spices!
Established in 1952, we are a second and third generation family owned and operated business. We have customers in all 50 states as well as several foreign countries. We have restaurants across the country that chefs use Pleasoning as “their” secret (and yes, we keep it secret). States that are known for “barbecue” such as Texas and North Carolina….well, let’s just say Pleasoning isn’t a stranger! Many restaurants have Pleasoning on their tables along with salt and pepper shakers and sell them at their registers. We can “personalize” the table shakers with your business name, a”catchy” saying (ie, “homestyle cooking”) and your address (nice for tourism).
Buy direct from the manufacturer and save!!
Business prices are not available over the internet. For more information just e-mail us at or give us a call at
1-800-279-1614 Monday – Friday 8:30am – 5:00pm CDT
You can also write to us at:
PLEASONING Gourmet Seasonings
2109 Ward Avenue, P.O. Box 2701
La Crosse, WI 54602